Photography in this age of time has become a norm, whether it comes to photos taken with your phone or with a camera. It represents more than just a photo as well, there is always a story that goes along with it. As time started to progress more, it would seem like an image no longer tells any kind of story and people would only post pictures for approval. By building a community around what photography was originally for, in building memories, in taking stills as a piece of education, and in expressing some sort of story. Tien wants to build a platform where photographers will be able to do that. With that goal in mind, he aims to collaborate with traveling photographers to build a community in sharing a piece of their culture and to educate others as well.
Tien’s thesis will be in the form of a mobile application called viewfinder that will inspire more photographers to tell a story of where they travel to and share a piece of culture they have learned in their experience. His end goal is to create a community of traveling photographers to share a more interesting creative story of their travels, and to be inspired by others as well as to learn from others.